Leyla Aylin
Join The Soul Forum,
A Private Online Group
This soulful community and learning space is here to support you
in honoring the voice of your soul.
The soul needs heart-to-heart connections and deepening spaces to flourish, especially when there are so many voices, both outside us and inside us, that pull us away from our truest self.
The Soul Forum is an antidote to this.

The Soul Forum is a space to connect, share, and explore soul in intimate and personal ways with others on the path.
This is a space to be inspired and encouraged, to ask questions, to have your unique unfolding honored, to have your heart and eyes opened, to dig deeply into meaningful topics, to look at things from the soul’s perspective and learn its unique language.
This is a space to support you on your journey of discerning the voice of your soul amidst all the other voices, and allowing it to lead you in all areas of your life.
This is a space to support you in doing the hard work of becoming who you truly are, and returning home to yourself, again and again, even when distractions pull you away.

It isn’t easy letting soul lead and following the soul’s path. To the ego, the soul’s path is often considered inconvenient, frustrating and frightening. It knows little of the mysterious of life. The ego desperately wants to be in charge. It doesn't know how to deal with
But following soul requires we step out of the grip of the ego, and into mystery…into ourselves. The idea is not to kill the ego, but demote it to one serves the larger call of the soul.
It isn’t easy, no, but it is wildly rewarding.
The Soul Forum is here to support you in following the sometimes difficult, but profoundly fulfilling path of the soul.
Come, join us.

Following the call of your soul is an act of courage, love and even rebellion, in a culture that devalues such things. And it is not just an act of love for yourself, it is an act of love for the world, too.
Your soul is needed.
What the program will include ~
A private, supportive and ongoing community forum on Facebook where you can connect and share with others dedicated to living from soul.
Regular discussions, prompts, explorations and inspiration around matters of the soul. We will explore the same kinds of topics regularly posted about on Midwives of the Soul, but in an intimate and personal space.
Q&As led by Leyla every other week, where you are able to submit questions to her. As the group grows in size, this will likely change to once weekly. She will also be active in the group throughout each week. (For more on Leyla's background, please check out the About section, as well as her blog.)
The Soul Forum opens on December 1st, 2021 and the first 3 months are being offered at no cost. The Soul Forum is being born into the world and we invite you to take part in its birth. Join us in growing this unique and soulful space.
Help us bring more soul into the world.

A few important details ~
The Forum opens on December 1, 2021. In the sign up below, you will be asked to choose the start date of the group, please choose December 1, 2021 and not any earlier. (You are of course welcome to start later.) Thank you!
The Facebook forum will be active starting December 1st, and you’ll get access to it then, or after depending on your start date.
You will receive an email confirming your subscription. A second email will be coming closer to December 1st with further details, including how to get access to the Facebook group. Please check to ensure the emails don't go to spam.
All subscriptions will automatically renew monthly, with the day you enroll being the first day of your month of membership. Currently 3 months are offered at no cost, this means you will only be charged after your 3 months trial are completed.
You can cancel anytime by signing into your account on leylaaylin.com
If you're having technical problems or have questions about the forum, please email info@leylaaylin.com and we’ll get back to you as quickly as we can.
And lastly, it's important to note this forum is not a substitute for professional mental health care. We hope you'll get any professional assistance you may need on your path.
I look forward to sharing this journey with you!
Please remember to choose December 1st, 2021
(or later) as the start date. Thank you!
The Soul Forum
29$Every month 14 day free trial
All subscriptions will automatically renew monthly, with the day you enroll being the first day of your month of membership. Nothing will be charged during a free trial, however once a free trial is over your method of payment will begin to be automatically charged each month. You can cancel at anytime by signing into your account on www.leylaaylin.com and canceling your subscription. Thank you!